Buy 140217-5100 ZEXEL 9 411 617 115 BOSCH PLATE 9411617115 1402175100 8941289320


Information plate

BOSCH 9 411 617 115 9411617115
ZEXEL 140217-5100 1402175100
ISUZU 8941289320 8941289320
140217-5100 PLATE
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29 Jan 2019

Bosch: Bosch
Bosch 9411617115 Clamping Jaw

Cross reference number

Zexel num
Bosch num
Firm num
9 411 617 115 
8941289320  ISUZU
9 411 617 115 
62156290610  ISEKI


The problem that is identified below does not have a known permanent solution. Until a permanent solution is known, use the solution that is identified below.Problem
Caterpillar has discovered that when certain products equipped with the Caterpillar Regeneration System (CRS) are left idling for extended periods of time (greater than 1 hr) and ambient temps are lower than −15° C (5° F), certain conditions may be met which will disable the ability to regenerate the DPF. If the regeneration system cannot activate, the DPF will accumulate too much soot and must eventually be replaced.The issues Caterpillar has identified in extreme cold ambient conditions are the coolant temperature may become too cold for the regeneration system to activate. Also, the pressure lines which connect the DPF inlet section to the DPF intake pressure sensor may collect condensation and freeze. This freezing causes an E1154 (2) or 3609-18 Low DPF #1 Intake Pressure event code. The event code will disable the regeneration until the fault condition goes away.If you suspect low coolant temperature may be contributing to an inability to regenerate the DPF, review the product status report. The product status report is used for investigating the following fault code trend. If coolant temp is the only issue, you will likely see a combination of the following fault codes:
E995 (2) High DPF #1 Soot Loading or 3719-16 Particulate Trap #1 Soot Load Percent : High - moderate severity (2)
Indicates DPF soot load percent has reached 100 percent
E995(3) High DPF #1 soot loading or 3719-0 Particulate Trap #1 Soot Load Percent : High - most severe (3)
Indicates DPF soot load percent has reached 116 percent
E992(3) DPF Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Temporary System Lockout or 3714-31 Particulate Trap Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Temporary System Lockout
Indicates DPF soot load reached 116 percent and 10 minutes has passed since that point. Ability to perform automatic or manual regenerations is disabled. Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) regeneration is only type of regeneration allowed.
E991 (3) DPF Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Permanent System Lockout or 3715-31 Particulate Trap Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Permanent System Lockout
Indicates DPF soot load percent has reached 140 percent. All types of regeneration are disabled. DPF must be replaced as the amount of soot load will damage the DPF if ignited by regeneration process.If you suspect the pressure line for the DPF intake pressure has frozen, you will see a combination of fault codes. These codes will consist of the codes listed above with the addition of the following codes: E1154 (2) DPF #1 intake pressure low and 3609-18 DPF #1 Intake Pressure : Low - moderate severity (2).Solution
Caterpillar recommends the following when extended idling is likely to occur and ambient temperatures are less than −15° C (5° F):
Turn off machine before the end of shift. Before shutting down, perform a manual DPF regeneration and reduce soot load to 0 percent. The soot load must be above the 15 percent threshold needed to activate a manual DPF regeneration.If extended idling is

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9 411 617 115 


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