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Caterpillar Reference Material
SEBD0640 Oil and Your EngineSEBU6310 EMA Engine Oil Data BookPEDP7105 Scheduled Oil SamplingPEDP7122 Question & Answer BookletPEHP0002 Cat Molybdenum Grease (MPGM)PEHP0003 Cat Lithium Grease (MPGL)PEHP0017 Cat Special Purpose Grease (SPG)PEHP1020 Cat Diesel Engine Oil (CF-4) Data Sheet (North America)PEHP1026 Cat Diesel Engine Oil (CF-4) Data Sheet (International)PEHP6001 How to Take a Good Oil SamplePEWP9733 Cat Fluids SelectorFuel
SEBD0717 Diesel Fuels and Your EngineSEHS7067 Fuels for Caterpillar Diesel EnginesLEKQ3363 Caterpillar Engine Data Sheet 60.1(Fuels Recommended For Use In Caterpillar Truck Engines)Coolant
SEBD0518 Know Your Cooling SystemSEBD0970 Coolant and Your EngineService Manauls
SEBR0514 Low Emission SystemSENR5105 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Service Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5111 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Schematic Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5112 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Electrical Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5110 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Troubleshooting Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5113 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Mechanical Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5114 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Performance Specifications (7LG1 and Up)SENR5115 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine OEM Systems Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5116 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Jacobs Brake Manual (7LG1 and Up)Parts Manuals
SEBP1954 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Parts Manual (7LG1 and Up)Special Instructions
SEHS8622 Using the FT1984 Air-To-Air Aftercooler Leak Test GroupSEHS9031 Storage Procedure for Caterpillar ProductsSEHS8884 Unit Injector Test SpecificationsSEHS8746 Using the 1U5540 Tool GroupSEHS8867 Using the 1U6661 Pop (Injector) Tester The following Special Instructions pertain to the operation, maintenance, diagnostic tooling and programming of the 3176 system. Some of these publications will be included in the tool kits, the others will be available thru your Caterpillar dealer.SEHS8741 Using 8C5919 Service Program Module Operating ManualSEHS8743 Using 7X1830 Service Program Module Operating ManualMiscellaneous
SEBF8029 Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage OperationsSEBF8062 Guideline for Reusable Parts - Cleaning and Inspection of Air FiltersSELF5052 Emission Related Components WarrantyLEDT5092 Driving Techniques For Maximum Fuel EconomyLEBT8121 Truck Engine Application and Installation GuideLEGT5087 Truck Engine Application and Installation GuideLEDT4211 PAR DirectoryLEKT8467 Specing for Peak PerformanceAll of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.Additional Reference Material
ASTM D217-68 - Worked PenetrationASTM D2896 - TBN MeasurementsASTM D2982BASTM D3828AASTM D445ASTM D893ASTM 4985-89 - GM-6038M SpecificationASTM D1384 -Glassware Corrosion TestASTM D2809 -Cavitation Corrosion of Aluminum TestASTM D4340 -Hot Surface Corrosion of Aluminum TestASTM Specs can normally be obtained from your local technological society, library or college.SAE J313 - Diesel FuelsSAE J754 - NomenclatureSAE J183 - ClassificationSAE Specs can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society.* SAE handbooks can be obtained directly from:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
All of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.SAE J313 - Diesel FuelsSAE J754 - NomenclatureSAE J183 - ClassificationSAE Specs can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society.* SAE handbooks can be obtained directly from:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
All of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.
SEBD0640 Oil and Your EngineSEBU6310 EMA Engine Oil Data BookPEDP7105 Scheduled Oil SamplingPEDP7122 Question & Answer BookletPEHP0002 Cat Molybdenum Grease (MPGM)PEHP0003 Cat Lithium Grease (MPGL)PEHP0017 Cat Special Purpose Grease (SPG)PEHP1020 Cat Diesel Engine Oil (CF-4) Data Sheet (North America)PEHP1026 Cat Diesel Engine Oil (CF-4) Data Sheet (International)PEHP6001 How to Take a Good Oil SamplePEWP9733 Cat Fluids SelectorFuel
SEBD0717 Diesel Fuels and Your EngineSEHS7067 Fuels for Caterpillar Diesel EnginesLEKQ3363 Caterpillar Engine Data Sheet 60.1(Fuels Recommended For Use In Caterpillar Truck Engines)Coolant
SEBD0518 Know Your Cooling SystemSEBD0970 Coolant and Your EngineService Manauls
SEBR0514 Low Emission SystemSENR5105 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Service Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5111 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Schematic Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5112 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Electrical Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5110 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Troubleshooting Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5113 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Mechanical Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5114 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Performance Specifications (7LG1 and Up)SENR5115 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine OEM Systems Manual (7LG1 and Up)SENR5116 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Jacobs Brake Manual (7LG1 and Up)Parts Manuals
SEBP1954 3176 ATAAC Truck Engine Parts Manual (7LG1 and Up)Special Instructions
SEHS8622 Using the FT1984 Air-To-Air Aftercooler Leak Test GroupSEHS9031 Storage Procedure for Caterpillar ProductsSEHS8884 Unit Injector Test SpecificationsSEHS8746 Using the 1U5540 Tool GroupSEHS8867 Using the 1U6661 Pop (Injector) Tester The following Special Instructions pertain to the operation, maintenance, diagnostic tooling and programming of the 3176 system. Some of these publications will be included in the tool kits, the others will be available thru your Caterpillar dealer.SEHS8741 Using 8C5919 Service Program Module Operating ManualSEHS8743 Using 7X1830 Service Program Module Operating ManualMiscellaneous
SEBF8029 Index to Guidelines for Reusable Parts and Salvage OperationsSEBF8062 Guideline for Reusable Parts - Cleaning and Inspection of Air FiltersSELF5052 Emission Related Components WarrantyLEDT5092 Driving Techniques For Maximum Fuel EconomyLEBT8121 Truck Engine Application and Installation GuideLEGT5087 Truck Engine Application and Installation GuideLEDT4211 PAR DirectoryLEKT8467 Specing for Peak PerformanceAll of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.Additional Reference Material
ASTM D217-68 - Worked PenetrationASTM D2896 - TBN MeasurementsASTM D2982BASTM D3828AASTM D445ASTM D893ASTM 4985-89 - GM-6038M SpecificationASTM D1384 -Glassware Corrosion TestASTM D2809 -Cavitation Corrosion of Aluminum TestASTM D4340 -Hot Surface Corrosion of Aluminum TestASTM Specs can normally be obtained from your local technological society, library or college.SAE J313 - Diesel FuelsSAE J754 - NomenclatureSAE J183 - ClassificationSAE Specs can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society.* SAE handbooks can be obtained directly from:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
All of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.SAE J313 - Diesel FuelsSAE J754 - NomenclatureSAE J183 - ClassificationSAE Specs can be found in your SAE handbook or can be obtained from your local library, college or technological society.* SAE handbooks can be obtained directly from:SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA USA 15096-0001
All of the above publications are available through your Caterpillar dealer.