Information nozzle and holder assy.
9 430 611 772

Cross reference number
Cut apart used filters to see contaminants. Use a 6V790S FilterCutter
to cut the filter housing.
Maintenance for Engines Using Heavy Fuel
Engines operating on heavy fuel must be carefully monitored and maintained.Service intervals must be strictly observed. Operators must be trained toperform a thorough service inspection.
"As Needed" Periodic Activities
Test fuel as it is delivered. Identify contaminant levels immediately and notify appropriate operations personnel.
Before storage, test for compatibility between fuel in the tanks and the fuel being purchased. Keep the fuel in separate tanks if possible.
Use regular S.O.S oil analysis to determine if there are wear particles in the oil, and maintain the proper TBN level.
Request infrared analysis on used oils to determine the effects of burning heavy fuel on the crankcase oil.
Daily Activities
Maintain and monitor fuel treatment equipment.
Record engine temperatures to assure adequate jacket water temperature, aftercooler temperature, and air intake temperature.
If equipped with a turbocharger water wash attachment, wash the turbocharger exhaust turbine. It is necessary to remove deposits from the turbine side of the turbocharger. (A washer attachment which does this is available on 3600 Family Engines.)
Check exhaust thermocouples and record exhaust temperatures. Be alert for worn exhaust valves.
Measure valve stem projection when new; use a stationary point such asthe valve cover gasket surface for a reference point. Record the measurementsfor each valve for later follow-up measurements. If valve stem projection movesmore than 1.25 mm (.050 in.) consider disassembly to find the reason. Anotherway to observe valve face wear is to measure and record changes on valve lashover a period of time.
Monitor fuel and oil filter differentials every shift. Check for filter plugging.
Drain settling and fuel tank bottoms daily. Take note if there is excessive water or sediment.
Every 1000 Hours
Check one cylinder head for exhaust valve seating and carbon build-up. Check the fuel injectors for adequate nozzle spray pattern. Make sure the valve rotators are operating.
Clean the turbocharger (exhaust turbine) (3500 and 3600 Family Engines without washers).
Operating the Engine at Low Load
If you're expecting to operate your engine at part load for extendedperiods, switch to No.2 diesel fuel or marine diesel oil. (Make sure the fuelinjectors are not run without fuel during the switch.)
The following chart shows the relationship between engine load and length oftime. It will guide you on what type of fuel to burn in light load applications.
Chart with time and numbers.
Other Heavy Fuel Tips
Here are some things to keep in mind when using heavy fuels.
Cut apart used filters to see contaminants. As contamination levels increase, the quality of diesel fuel is generally decreasing.
As fuel quality decreases, it becomes even more important to have good fuel treatment systems. The treatment system can sometimes compensate for poor fuel quality. ..but there is less margin for error with a system that is not working correctly.
Often, diesel engines cannot operate on fuel that is straight from the fuel tank (bunkered).
Viscosity does not relate to quality. Do not use fuel thickness