04007-6540R TOYOTA INJECTOR ASSY Denso Cross


Information injector assy

Buy INJECTOR ASSY 04007-6540R TOYOTA genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

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Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
The information supplied in this service letter may not be valid after the termination date of this program. Do not perform the work outlined in this Service Letter after the termination date without first contacting your Caterpillar product analyst.
This Program can be administered either before or after a failure. In either case the decision whether to apply the Program is made by the dealer. When reporting the repair, use "PS4854" as the Part Number and "7755" as the Group Number. If administered before failure, use "56" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "T" as the SIMS Description Code. If administered after failure, use "96" as the Warranty Claim Description Code and use "Z" as the SIMS Description Code.
Although this Program is to be administered as described above on the Affected Product, parts should be removed from parts stock as soon as possible.
Termination Date
November 30, 1993Problem
The fuel lines on certain 3408 Generator Set, Industrial, and Marine engines may fail. New fuel line groups can be installed that have a longer service life.
Affected Product
Model & Identification Number
3408 (67U12405-15199; 78Z2829-4522; 99U5985-7229)
Parts Needed
1 - 6I0030 Fuel Line Group6 - 5M2894 Washer6 - 0S0509 BoltAdditional Parts Needed For DIT Engines (Non-Aftercooled)
5 - 5M2894 Washer1 - 4P8261 Bracket1 - 4P8385 Bracket2 - 5P0537 Washer5 - 0S1571 Bolt2 - 0S1615 Bolt3 - 8T1296 WasherAction Required
Parts Stock
Make sure that all 7C6931, 7C6932, 7C6933, 7C6934, 7C6935, 7C6936, 7C6937 and 7C6938 Fuel Lines were removed from parts stock while implementing Product Support Program PS4737.
Affected Product
Remove the existing fuel lines and install the new fuel injection line groups as a group. See the attached rework procedure.
Do not over tighten the screws of the metal-to- metal fuel line clamps. Use a 6V6069 Torgue Screwdriver or similar tool to tighten the screw to a torgue of 2.25 N m (20 lb in).
Service Claim Allowances
Parts Stock
Refer to the Product Support Program PS4737.
Affected Product
This is a 2.2-hour job.
Parts Disposition
Handle the parts in accordance with your Warranty Bulletin on warranty parts handling.
Attach. (1-Rework Procedure)Rework Procedure
Refer to the parts list and illustrations. Replace the existing fuel lines and their related parts with the new 6I0030 Fuel Line Group.
To insure that the clamp locations are correct, install fuel line group as assembled. In a case where it is necessary to remove the clamps, mark their locations to insure the correct position when assembling.
1. Clean and paint the new 6I0030 Fuel Line Group before proceeding to the job site.A) Install 5F2807 Plastic Caps and 2F2990 Plastic Plugs on the ends of the lines.B) Clean and paint the fuel line group.C) After drying, do not remove the plastic plugs and caps until the fuel line group is ready to be installed on the engine. Transport the fuel line group in it's original shipping box. If the engine to be reworked is non-aftercooled, also clean and pre-paint the new 4P8385 and 4P8261 Brackets.
2. Remove all the mounting bolts from the fuel line bracket at the aftercooler housing on DITA engines or at

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Group cross 04007-6540R TOYOTA

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