Buy 09500-00570 INJECTOR ASSY Denso Cross


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09500-00570 INJECTOR ASSY
Buy INJECTOR ASSY 09500-00570 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

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Components :

001. INJECTOR ASSY 09500-00570
001. INJECTOR ASSY 09500-00570
002. INJECTOR ASSY 09500-00422

Include in #3:

Number on scheme 000
09500-00571 as INJECTOR ASSY

Cross reference number

Part num Firm num Firm Name
09500-00570  23670-2903  INJECTOR ASSY


start by:a) remove oil panb) remove crankshaft pulley1. Remove nuts (2) and tachometer drive cover (1). 2. Remove bolts (3) and front support (4). 3. Loosen clamp (5) and disconnect hose (6) from the timing gear cover. 4. Remove clips (8) and then disconnect three lines (7). 5. Remove clamp (9) from the water sleeve.6. Install tool (A) on the water sleeve and then push water sleeve (10) into the front cover. 7. Remove two bolts (11), connector (12) and the gasket behind it. 8. Remove bolts (13), elbow (14) and the gasket behind it. 9. Remove bolt (15) and then disconnect clamp (16) that holds the oil pump sump tube. 10. Install tooling (B) in the front cover and then fasten a hoist. Remove all the bolts that hold timing gear cover to the cylinder block. Remove the cover (17) and oil pump. The weight of the timing gear cover and oil pump is 62 kg (136 lb.).
Be extra careful not to cause damage to the crankshaft front seal during removal and installation of the timing gear cover.
Install Timing Gear Cover And Oil Pump
1. Clean the contact surfaces of the cylinder block and timing gear cover. Install the timing gear cover gasket on the cylinder block. Make sure the water sleeves are installed in the timing gear cover. Put oil on the seals on the water sleeves. 2. Install tooling (A) on timing gear cover (1).3. Put the cover in position and make an alignment of the dowels and their respective holes. Install the bolts that hold cover (1) to the cylinder block. 4. Connect clamp (3) that holds the oil pump sump tube. Install bolt (2). 5. Install gasket and elbow (4) on the timing gear cover with the bolts (5) that hold it.6. Install gasket and connector (7) in the cover and install the bolts (6) that hold it. 7. Install tool (B) on water sleeve (8), then push water sleeve into the cylinder block. 8. Install clamps (9) on the water sleeve. 9. Connect three lines (10) and install the clips (11) that hold them. 10. Install hose (13) on timing gear cover and install clamp (12). 11. Put engine support (16) in position and install the bolts (17) that hold it. 12. Put tachometer cover (15) in position and install the nuts (14) that hold it. end by:a) install crankshaft pulleyb) install oil pan

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