Buy 09340-05581 NOZZLE ASSY Denso Cross


Information nozzle assy

Nozzle Type: ND-DN0PD58
09340-05581 NOZZLE ASSY
Buy NOZZLE ASSY 09340-05581 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

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16 Oct 2019
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Fuel injector nozzle DNOPD58/DN0PD58 for 093400-5581 Diesel fuel Injection nozzle
Our products are professionally tested and have good quality.

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USD 22
USD 6.6
USD 4.5
Diesel injector nozzle 093400-5581 DN0PD58 23620-54090
USD 33.5

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Number on scheme 002
09350-04052 as NOZZLE ASSY

Cross reference number

Part num Firm num Firm Name
09340-05581  23620-5409  NOZZLE ASSY


Start By:a. remove rocker arm assemblies and push rods 1. Remove injector hold down bolt (1).
Do not pry on the injector hold down bracket. Damage to the injector could occur. The injector has a notch in it on the side opposite the rack. This notch is used for prying the injector loose. Also, do not move the fuel injector rack without the injector spring slightly compressed. Damage to the injector could occur.
2. Use Tool (A) to loosen the fuel injector; then rotate the fuel injector to disengage the injector rack from the fuel control linkage. Remove the fuel injector. Be sure both O-ring seals (2) are on the fuel injector. The following steps are for the installation of the unit fuel injectors.3. Check the condition of O-ring seals (2). If the seals are damaged, use new parts for replacement. Install the O-ring seals on in the fuel injector.4. Lubricate the O-ring seals on the fuel injector with clean engine oil.5. Position the fuel injector in the cylinder head assembly; then rotate it to engage the injector rack with the fuel control linkage. Push down on the top of the fuel injector so the O-ring seals slide into the bore in the cylinder head assembly. Be sure the fuel injector is seated properly before installing bolt (1) that holds it in position. Do not use bolt (1) to pull the fuel injector down into the cylinder head assembly.6. Install bolt (1), and tighten it.7. After installation of the rocker arm assemblies and push rods, Check and/or adjust the following: Injector Synchronization, Fuel Setting, Fuel Timing, Valve Lash. See the 3114 & 3116 Diesel Truck Engines Systems Operation Testing & Adjusting module, Form No. SENR6437 to check and/or adjust the above items.End By:a. install rocker arm assemblies and push rods

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