09340-01300 Injector Nozzle Denso Cross


Information injector nozzle

ZEXEL 105000-1030
ZEXEL 105000-1850
BOSCH 9432610010
CAV 5643370
Nozzle Type: ND-DN0SD126 B
09340-01300 Injector Nozzle
Buy Injector Nozzle 09340-01300 genuine, new aftermarket engine parts with delivery

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09340-01300    Injector Nozzle


Core Management
Please refer to the Caterpillar® Core Management Information System (CMIS 2) Parts Information application describing all reman part/CAF and related information. Also refer to other CMIS 2 inquiry applications such as Customer Profiles, Inspection Reason Codes, Inspection Line Inquiry, Add Charge Information, Entitlement Activity, Entitlement Inquiry, CCR Inquiry, CCR Entry, Shipment Processing; Process Packaging Grief; and Reporting to properly manage core returns and monitor inspection performance. This information will be available to all dealers worldwide after your CMIS 2 conversion date. In the meantime, please continue to use the current CMIS Entitlement Parts Inquiry Screen describing the list of parts in a Core Acceptability Family (CAF) and related part number detail.
For the latest updates of Reman Policies and Core Management (SELD0122), Core Management Systems & Operations Procedures (SELD0040), and Shipping Instructions (SELD0039), go to the Reman Dealer website https://reman.cat.com
If you have any questions regarding core return processing, feel free to call Corinth toll free at (800) 537-2928. For assistance with technical questions, call the Peoria Reman Customer Satisfaction Hot Line also toll free at (888) 88-REMAN or use our E-mail address--Reman_Help.
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LC-2148 (309) 675-5445

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